New Student Inquires

Thank you for visiting my piano blog! This site is set up to provide ongoing information to current students. For other inquiries, please email

September 23, 2013

Love this quote!

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.  ~Plato

September 6, 2013

My You Tube Video

Today someone asked me for the link to my video of "America the Beautiful". Thought I'd post the easy link:


September 3, 2013

Congrats to some fantastic summer practicers!

YES! YES! YES! YOU are the BEST!

Summer Practicing Rewarded!

Mrs. Adams' Candy Bar!

Is your practicing in need of CPR?


I'll be posting survival tips to revive your practicing and help you survive the busy elementary, busier middle school and busiest high school years. When you're feeling out-of-control and busy-out-of-your-mind, take a minute to learn and review my CPR Lifesaver Tips. If you'll follow my directions, you'll have a happy, healthy and productive piano year. Click on the tab that says Practice Tips and be sure to check back next week for a new tip.


Music Phototext Former student Mandy Ferrarini has released a CD! Check it out at CONGRATULATIONS MANDY! Stuart Babcock is loving studying Music Theory at Northwestern University. Look where 11 years of piano lessons and being an excellent academic student took Stu!