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November 5, 2013

Holiday Months are Here!

Students are counting down the number of  piano lessons until Christmas. Don't be shocked when I tell you we have 4 lessons and counting! I'm starting all students on Christmas music this week along with a small regular assignment. The weeks we do not meet for lessons, practicing should continue, practice calendars marked as usual. After students have mastered their assigned Christmas music, I encourage them to move on and learn another and another Christmas tune. This is the best music of the year. The more songs they learn, the merrier their holiday season! There is nothing like filling it with music!

Here's your countdown calendar:

For November:
Mondays - 4, 25
Tuesdays - 5, 12
Wed. - 6, 13
Thus. - 7, 14

For December:
Mondays - 2, 9 16
Tuesdays - 3, 10
Wed. - 4, 11
Thurs. - 5, 12

Our first Master Class is Fri., Dec. 6 at 4:30 - 5:15 for the following students:
Davy B.
Anna B.
Sohom D.
Adam S.
Brooke S.
If your name is on this list and you cannot attend, please let me know asap. A Master Class is an opportunity to attend a group lesson in place of an excused absence. I offer two Master Classes per piano-school year. Please be advised I do not reschedule Master Classes.

"Carols from My Heart to Yours" CD 

My Christmas CD is for sale at You can purchase it there using Paypal. For piano families, you can also purchase it directly from me with a check to save on S&H. I will send your order home with your student. These make a great gift that can be enjoyed the whole season!


Music Phototext Former student Mandy Ferrarini has released a CD! Check it out at CONGRATULATIONS MANDY! Stuart Babcock is loving studying Music Theory at Northwestern University. Look where 11 years of piano lessons and being an excellent academic student took Stu!