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March 29, 2014

I'm Simplifying!!

Updating this blog is a time consuming job and takes time away from other important things I need to accomplish. Therefore, in order to simplify and expand my time for other pursuits, I've determined  I will not be using this site for regular posts for the time being. Pertinent information to Piano Parents will be emailed. Thank you for your understanding.
~Mrs. Adams

February 5, 2014

Feel the LOVE!

It's Valentine's Month! So.......

I've asked students to jot a note each day during the month stating something they LOVE about piano! By the end of the month, they should have a little journal indicating the things they love about it. I had to laugh at their initial reactions upon my request. Some students smiled, obviously have the love bug. Others, well....I wondered if they'd ever thought about piano being something to love! I hope they'll catch the love bug sooner than later!

I've started each lesson this week with the question, "What song did you LOVE practicing the most?". After they play their favorite for me, we discuss what they loved about it. I've mostly heard "it was fast". I know kids like to play fast songs. I'm hoping we can go deeper and fall in love with a melody, a scale, fun fingering passage, how playing accurately makes them feel, etc. etc. Maybe students will even find joy in practicing! Imagine that! Fall in love with practicing! We'll get there! As for me, I do LOVE Piano and your kids!

Valentine Stickers with endearing messages help to encourage the warm fuzzies!


Music Phototext Former student Mandy Ferrarini has released a CD! Check it out at CONGRATULATIONS MANDY! Stuart Babcock is loving studying Music Theory at Northwestern University. Look where 11 years of piano lessons and being an excellent academic student took Stu!